Tuesday 2 March 2021

"Signature" Signatures

I'm not the a big fan of manga, but I do like Manben's "signature signature" (and no, that's not a typo). 

Check it out: 

...As far as I can tell, Manben signs most of his work with these cool little pictogram-signatures. They're stylish and, given his talent and career, earned: that is: not pretentious. An amateur (with any level of self-awareness, anyway) couldn't get away with signing his work with signatures like these because, apart from not being "earned," he'd be a dilettante: he would not yet have the skill to nail down the charm. 

Mike Mignola, meanwhile, still signs his work with a simple "M" with a box around it...

See the "M" in the white box?

...and Vincent Van Gogh signed his work, simply: "Vincent."

Van Gogh suffered with mental illness for much of his life, but there was a time where he worked as a preacher, and Christian faith values humility. Signing his work with his first name strikes me as a humble act, somehow. 

Ironic, then, as he's so celebrated today. 

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