Sunday 14 March 2021

Interesting: M.A. in Expressive Arts Therapy


From their website:

M.A. in Expressive Arts Therapywith a Minor in Psychology

Expressive Arts Therapy is an intermodal field combining the study of health, illness, resilience, and the Arts. Through the process of Art-making, an Expressive Arts therapist discovers how their clients can live in a better way, how the Arts facilitate change, personal growth and transformation.

Indigenous cultures have often been cited as combining ritual, community and the use of the Arts for the purpose of healing and such practices have endured throughout the centuries. Through its intermodal approach, Expressive Arts Therapy integrates different Art modalities within a therapeutic context. Its roots are based in philosophy, anthropology, psychology and the Arts. The use of the Arts in Intermodal Decentering IDEC® is fundamental to the therapeutic process.

Expressive Arts Therapy has, as its foundation, the practice of the Arts and our response to this innate quality. This creative process supports us to respond and to shape our world in a way that is life-giving and healing. The intrinsic human capacity to create is at the centre of the therapeutic work and thus the creative urge becomes stronger than illness, disease or psychic disorder, empowering the client to come in touch with their inner strengths and gain insight on how these resources can impact and transform the larger disharmony.

This Program is ideal for professionals, artists and anyone who wants to engage with the Arts to work as change agents with clients, using the process of Art making to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities, psychic disorders, and disharmony in their personal life. This degree is beneficial for those wanting to work in hospitals, children's programs, or in other therapeutic setting. Students will learn how to be prepared for unexpected situations, advance their cultural and professional communication skills, and connect with masters in the field.

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