Friday 31 July 2020

Daily Work: July 31st, 2020

This evening was a colour study of Arnaud de Viviès's evocative art, as well as practicing the different lighting modes (Multiply) as well as different brushes. 

Viviès's line work is very fine yet despite its weighted lines-- and, as I said, is evocative. The especially finer areas feed into the viewer's imagination. The eyes of the dragon and facial features of the spirt, for example, dwindle into shadow, leaving the mind to fill in the blanks. 

The colours in my study are not exact, but of course I don't want to be "cheating" by relying on the colour picker. Looking at it now, overall, the colours in my study should be more desaturated. Plus, the grey colour of the dragon should be a tinge more in the yellow spectrum. 

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