Friday 31 July 2020

First Blog Post! (Objectives)

Hello! :)

My purpose in taking my art journey online is twofold: for motivation, and connecting with others. 

1. Motivation

I plan to work on art and post it online everyday. I began on July 25th (of 2020) and I've been keeping on top of the challenge. I realize that it's only been a week, so I think the challenge of working on something and then posting it online everyday is a great motivator. 

Naturally, there are issues of a daily challenge like burnout and stamina, but at the same time there is terrific power in habit and momentum.  

2. Connections

This links back to motivation: I want to connect with others and join art communities, to develop my style and to keep motivated. Art communities are an excellent way to do this. So, I welcome all contact and input. Please find my page here, which contains all my social media:

I may this daily challenge and incorporate writing, answering the question: how have I added value to myself as an artist today? (For example, today I created this blog, and I'm reading through an art book written by James Gurney.) However, I think that may at times hinder the challenge, so that may be up in the air, haha.

In any case, nice to meet you!

- Mr. P. 

PS: As mentioned, I took this art journey online on July 25th; here's the art I've completed so far. 

I should note that I do many studies, and I will do my absolute best to cite work when I can. I do not plan on selling art using this blog, so any artwork that I post will be for reference and study purposes. 

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