Friday 31 July 2020

Reminder: Zodiac and Carols

I think a fun project would be illustrating the animals of the zodiac, or the 12 Days of Christmas, in a pen and ink (and watercolour) style. :)

Daily Work: July 31st, 2020

This evening was a colour study of Arnaud de Viviès's evocative art, as well as practicing the different lighting modes (Multiply) as well as different brushes. 

Viviès's line work is very fine yet despite its weighted lines-- and, as I said, is evocative. The especially finer areas feed into the viewer's imagination. The eyes of the dragon and facial features of the spirt, for example, dwindle into shadow, leaving the mind to fill in the blanks. 

The colours in my study are not exact, but of course I don't want to be "cheating" by relying on the colour picker. Looking at it now, overall, the colours in my study should be more desaturated. Plus, the grey colour of the dragon should be a tinge more in the yellow spectrum. 

Artist: Rosarrie

An absolutely charming style, as well as excellent use of colours.

Artist: Arnaud de Viviès

I really like his style. It reminds me of Edward Gorey. Lovely, warm earthy colours, too, and the castle illustrations indicate range of talent.

Potential Painting Music


Reminder: Inktober

Tomorrow's August 1st; Inktober is not too far off. I want to participate this year, but instead of "imaginative realism" I want to use it as an opportunity to do a series of studies. 

For example, say a prompt is "Flight." I'm sure I could find a reference photo of a person with their arms up, mimicking a bird, haha. 

As an additional reminder, after, too, I'd like to participate in the "52 Inktober" challenge, which takes place over the year. (I'm sure an additional weekly challenge shouldn't compound the daily art challenge too badly, haha.)

Artist: Scott Flanders

Scott Flanders is an impressive artist; here's some of his work I plan to study. I especially love blue dragon and knight, as well as his Goya study.

I like the light on the legs, tail, and upper body of the dragon in the bottom left. Evident where the light source is.

From Scott's Instagram: More Rising Tides pencils. This is where I do the majority of my thinking. It's one of my favorite parts of the process. Exploring the things that could be.

First Blog Post! (Objectives)

Hello! :)

My purpose in taking my art journey online is twofold: for motivation, and connecting with others. 

1. Motivation

I plan to work on art and post it online everyday. I began on July 25th (of 2020) and I've been keeping on top of the challenge. I realize that it's only been a week, so I think the challenge of working on something and then posting it online everyday is a great motivator. 

Naturally, there are issues of a daily challenge like burnout and stamina, but at the same time there is terrific power in habit and momentum.  

2. Connections

This links back to motivation: I want to connect with others and join art communities, to develop my style and to keep motivated. Art communities are an excellent way to do this. So, I welcome all contact and input. Please find my page here, which contains all my social media:

I may this daily challenge and incorporate writing, answering the question: how have I added value to myself as an artist today? (For example, today I created this blog, and I'm reading through an art book written by James Gurney.) However, I think that may at times hinder the challenge, so that may be up in the air, haha.

In any case, nice to meet you!

- Mr. P. 

PS: As mentioned, I took this art journey online on July 25th; here's the art I've completed so far. 

I should note that I do many studies, and I will do my absolute best to cite work when I can. I do not plan on selling art using this blog, so any artwork that I post will be for reference and study purposes.